New Pluralsight Course: .NET Micro ORMs

I'm pleased to announce that my latest Pluralsight course has been released: .NET Micro ORMs.

If you're looking for an ORM that is simple, lightweight, and still lightening fast, then this course if for you. I start the course with a discussion of what a Micro ORM is and why you might want to use one. I also layout some of the common counter-arguments you hear against using a Micro ORM and examine the validity of each one.

There are many great open source Micro ORMs available today and it was not easy deciding which ones to include in the course. Ultimately, I included the following (each with its own module) based on their features and popularity:

Several of the Micro ORMs have similar functionality in terms of fully supporting all CRUD scenarios and working with SQL or Stored Procedures. However, diving deeper into the course, you'll see many features you may not have known were supported by Micro ORMs. These types of features include working with complex objects, working with dynamic data, bulk inserts, automatic database table creation, supporting aggregates, metadata, automatic paging, joins, completely dynamic API, and more!

If you're deciding on a Micro ORM to use for your next project, then I recommend watching all the modules in order to see the types of features that are supported by each one so you can determine the best fit for your project in terms of functionality and your personal preference. However, if you've already selected a Micro ORM, then you can watch the first Introduction module (it's only 22 minutes) and then skip directly to the module for the Micro ORM that you're using.

If you've been frustrated by your existing ORM, bring back some of the fun (and speed!) to your data access with .NET Micro ORMs!