MSBuild with Cruise Control .NET - Part 2 (NUnit)

In a previous post, I laid out our standard structure for MSBuild with Cruise Control.  Now I will show the details of FxCop and NUnit. Now you want to run FxCop: <Target Name="FxCop" DependsOnTargets="Build"> <Exec Condition="Exists('$(CCNetWorkingDirectory)SolutionAnalysis.FxCop')" Command="fxcopcmd /p:&quot;$(CCNetWorkingDirectory)SolutionAnalysis.FxCop&quot; /out:&quot;$(CCNetArtifactDirectory)SolutionAnalysis-Fxcop.xml&quot;" WorkingDirectory="C...

MSBuild with Cruise Control .NET

You want to set up a customizable, fully automated build process. You want your build process to incorporate FxCop, NUnit, NCover, etc. but you do not have the license for Team System. No problem.  You can do all of this with free tools leveraging MSBuild and Cruise Control .NET (CCNet) as the basis of your solution. This is not new news.  In fact, CCNet is probably the best known tool today to do automated builds. However, there are lots of different ways to implement your build process. I'm go...

Validation framework on CodePlex

This past summer I had an article published in Visual Studio magazine in which I outlined a Validation framework that I created to declaratively validate business objects. Simon Cropp has taken the initiative to put the source code up on CodePlex as an open source community project.  It can be found here:

BizTalk Web Service - SoapException: Internal SOAP Processing Failure

When exposing a BizTalk orchestration as a web service, I ran into a basic problem that was not obvious to me at first.  When try to invoke the web service I got the exception: "SoapException: Internal SOAP Processing Failure".  The basic BizTalk help offered no insight into this problem.  The answer can be found on MSDN however.  According to MSDN: Check the identity under which the application pool is running. Is it a member of the IIS_WPG and BizTalk Isolated Host Users groups? These two gro...

Error MSB6006: "aspnet_merge.exe" exited with code 1

This error often rears its ugly head when compiling an ASP.NET 2.0 Web Deployment Project. At first glance, it is extremely difficult to troubleshoot because there is not much information along with the error. In order to troubleshoot this, you need to use a higher level of verbosity. If you're using MSBuild from the command line you can use the /verbosity switch like this (and then look at Output window for build): C:\projects>msbuild YourSolutionFile.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /v...